“Living By Feel”

I finally saw for myself, the Washington phenomenon called “parking by feel.”

Seriously. If you don’t live here, it may shock you to know that it is a common practice when parallel parking, to play bumper cars, by backing up until you hit the car behind you, and then pulling forward.

(I wonder if those who do it take the relative price of the vehicle behind them into account.)

And while I wouldn’t recommend doing this when parking your car, it got me thinking.

Aren’t we all kinda going through life bumping into things?

We bump into people, situations, or experiences that feel good when we do.

And of course, there are times when what we bump into causes a, not so good feeling.

Either way, it is your emotional guidance system at work.

Your feelings are your early warning system.

They let you know whether or not your thoughts and actions are taking you in a direction that you want to go.

If you become aware of a negative emotion early on, take it for the signal that it is and change direction.

The law of attraction always gives you more of what you focus on.

So if you are starting to feel bad, and don’t shift your focus, you will feel worse.

If you are feeling bad, and you ignore it, or try to push through it, it will get louder (and perhaps more expensive) until you can no longer do so.

And it is much easier to make that shift before it gains momentum.

If you want life to be easier and less painful, pay attention to how you are feeling.

See your emotions as the guidance that they are.

That’s what I call “living by feel.”